Sunday, February 10, 2008



Would you park like this? I live near a school and every Sunday they have a Chinese School program. About every third week someone parks partially blocking my driveway. Sometimes worse than this. I can usually get around but it's annoying. This is a pic from today. Usually I leave a note on the window saying "Do Not Block Driveway". I've looked up the law, and in MA it varies by town. In my town you have to leave 5 feet around a driveway. I'd be happy if they left merely an inch and weren't encroaching into the driveway itself.

Today I got annoyed and walked down to the police officer assigned to direct traffic. She told me should couldn't leave her post to issue a ticket but I should call the police dispatch number.

I then walked to the school and found the main office. I waited for the principal but he disappeared and another woman helped me. I explained that this happened every third week and I didn't care so much about this one car but could they tell their parents (yet again) to be considerate where they park. There's a nearby lot they can use and I know the school's website says to do so, but parking on the street is closer, particularly in the cold. But don't block a driveway.

She was trying to get my information and I could see she didn't know how she would figure out which parent's car it was and I wasn't getting through that I was looking for a strategic solution instead of a tactical one. The principal reappeared and the woman brought him over. He wasted no time telling me to call the police and have the car towed. As long as I can get by I'm content with them getting a ticket. So I called the police number (not 911) and surprisingly got a machine and left a message. Well see what happens.


The Dad said...

you're well on your way to becoming that crazy old guy who sits on his porch with a loaded shotgun yelli,ng "gitoffa mah property!"


Reminds me of my neighbor who got annoyed when guests at our house took up most of the street parking. He had guests coming for a Steeler game. We had guests over for a Shiva for my mother-in-law. We win.

DKB said...

No, Howard's not that guy. I know, because I'm going to be that guy. I'd have called the police first if I didn't know where to find the driver of the car. And I'd have been perfectly happy with the tow. Been there, done that, though it was a party down the street from my house where no one would own up to driving the car. They were not very happy when it wasn't there some 2 hours later when they wanted to go home. Granted, it was completely blocking the driveway, but I might not have made an extraordinary effort to get around if it had only been partially blocking. Yeah, I'm not nice... but it's the driver's fault.

Howard said...

Yup I was thinking about your comments when I wrote the post. :)

Anonymous said...

Aren't you worried that your crazy stalker fans will now be able to find you house using that picture?

Howard said...

I had a friend over on Sat who had been here a couple of times before but wasn't sure how to find the specific street. She had seen this video and looked for the construction site.