Monday, February 11, 2008

Favorite Colors

At the bottom of the right column there's a hit count meter. Via that I get some statistics about this blog. One of the things I see is what google queries people make that bring them to this blog. One trend is that I get a lot of people looking for the favorite of color of famous people. I was mentioning that to group of former co-workers who are loyal readers and they suggested I should blog them. So here are some recent favorite color searches that lead people here:

heath ledger favorite color (3 times)
bugs favorite color (2 times)
www. what is keira knightley favorite color stuff like that
halle berry's favorite color
james marsden's favorite color
albert einstein favorite color
obama's favorite color
george w bush favorite color
what is andrews favorite color
kids favorite color
president favorite color
what was pythagoras favorite color

I also got these other "favorite" queries:
george w. bush favorite movie
martin luther king jr favorite food
favorite food heath ledger
gerald ford favorite food


Anonymous said...

I had to try this so I googled for -Halle Berry favorite color- and your site was the second item with the title "Castro's Favorite Color: Halle Berry, Hasty Pudding Woman of the Year".

It just shows that search is still primitive. I tried for 5 minutes and I never did find out Halle's favorite color.

Howard said...

Maybe I should rename the blog? :)