Wednesday, July 09, 2008

Iran's Missile Tests and Obama and McCain

The AP reports Iran's missile tests divide Obama and McCain. It starts with: "Democratic presidential candidate Barack Obama said Wednesday that Iran's missile tests highlight the need for direct diplomacy as well as tougher threats of economic sanctions and strong incentives to persuade Tehran to change its behavior. John McCain, the Republican seeking the presidency, said the tests demonstrate a need for effective missile defense, including missile defense in Europe and the defense system the U.S. plans with the Czech Republic and Poland."

It then goes blah blah blah for a while and leaves the good stuff for the end: "Obama, while calling Iran a threat, criticized the Bush administration for using bellicose language against the Iranian government while increasing exports to the country. The Associated Press reported Tuesday that U.S. exports to Iran grew more than tenfold under President Bush in spite of his criticism of its government as a sponsor of terrorism and warnings against any efforts to develop a nuclear weapon. "It's that kind of mixed signal that has led to the kind of situation that we're in right now," Obama said on ABC's Good Morning America."

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