Monday, July 28, 2008

DOJ Releases Goodling Report

So, 16 months after starting an investigation and 14 months after she testified to congress the DOJ Released it's Report into Monica Goodling. From the conclusions of the 146 page report:

"Our investigation found that Goodling improperly subjected candidates for certain career positions to the same politically based evaluation she used on candidates for political positions, in violation of federal law and Department policy."

"In sum, the evidence showed that Sampson, Williams, and Goodling violated federal law and Department policy, and Sampson and Goodling committed misconduct, by considering political and ideological affiliations in soliciting and selecting IJs, which are career positions protected by the civil service laws."

"Because Goodling, Sampson, and Williams have resigned from the Department, they are no longer subject to discipline by the Department for their actions described in this report. Nevertheless, we recommend that the Department consider the findings in this report should they apply in the future for another position with the Department. "

I could have told you that 14 months ago. :( So yes they did wrong and we won't do anything about it. I could see if it was just violating policy. After you leave a job they can't discipline you. But in this case federal laws were violate. But of course, congress gave Goodling immunity to testify. You're supposed to do that so you can catch bigger fish, but that's not happening. Well I liked this addition:

"In addition, we concluded that EOUSA Deputy Director John Nowaki committed misconduct by drafting a proposed Department response to a media inquiry which he knew was inaccurate. Although Nowacki knew that Goodling had used political and ideological affiliations to assess career attorney candidates for EOUSA detail positions, he drafted a media statement in which the Department would have denied the allegations. Nowacki is still employed by the Department. Therefore, we recommend that the Department consider appropriate discipline for him based upon the evidence in this report. "

After 16 months, they're literally going after the messenger.

dday has more.

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