Monday, January 10, 2011

The Story Crisis In Hollywood

Devin Faraci wrote James Cameron Calls Out The Story Crisis In Hollywood. A good story is probably the cheapest part of the filmmaking process, and yet it’s also the rarest. When people say ‘What did you expect, Gone With the Wind,’ the answer is simply YES. Because what these people may have forgotten is that, in its time, Gone With The Wind was a mass entertainment. It was hugely popular, a complete sensation. Gone With the Wind wasn’t some kind of art picture or intended to be a work of Great Art (hell, it had at least three directors), it was intended to be a sweeping work of entertainment. It was Avatar of 1939 – except that it has a wonderful, eternally engaging story at the center, and is populated with vibrant, living characters who still speak to people today. The Godfather wasn’t based on some kind of high end literature; Francis Ford Coppola found the greatness in what essentially an airport book. Mario Puzo’s writing wasn’t terribly great, but he had a crackerjack story with great characters. All of a sudden I’ve found myself in a world where story is for snobs, and only the elites want good characters."


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