Tuesday, January 11, 2011

If you read only one John Kerry speech today ...

Ezra Klein wrote If you read only one John Kerry speech today ... "Sen. John Kerry appeared at the Center for American Progress today to give a speech on 'gridlock and globalization.' The address should've been a snooze, but it's not. It's an ambitious and plausible diagnosis of our country's economic problems as partly political in nature, and it's a sensible and complete vision for how we could move forward. Frankly, it's the speech President Obama should be giving. I'm not going to summarize it here, because I think it's actually worth taking five minutes to read it in full."

I completely agree. It's a great speech and it's worth the time to read it and ask your representatives to support it.


Karl said...

so why wasn't this guy our president?

Howard said...

Cause he didn't speak this way during the campaign.

That and Ohio.