Friday, August 13, 2010

Ripping Apart Paul Ryan's Article in The Washington Post

Brad DeLong asks Can We Please Shut the Washington Post Down Today? because of "their running their unfact-checked piece by Republican representative Paul Ryan. You'd think they'd be embarrassed to be complicit in yet more selling of deficit-exploding plans as deficit-reducing ones." He then cites Dean Baker who shreds Ryan's article.

Mark Thoma weighs in too. "The Washington Post gives Paul Ryan space on its op-ed pages to present an idea to reform Medicare that is not new -- it is little more than the voucher proposal from Newt Ginrich in 1995 -- and that is full of inaccuracies. The proposal, if implemented, would dismantle Medicare as we know it, but it does not solve the main underlying issue driving future budget problems, the growth in medical costs."

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