Friday, October 03, 2008

Obama Should Give a Prime Time Speech

I think Obama should give a nationwide prime time speech. He has the money to pay for it (and McCain probably doesn't) and it's easily his best forum. His platform has a few key ideas that are really good, self-evident when explained and don't fit into 2 minute debate segments. And it doesn't help to have an opponent interrupt with "but democrats always raise taxes". I think there are three big topics he could frame well and say far better than I...

Tax cuts to the rich only help the rich hurt the overall economy. Tax cuts for the middle class and jobs and healthcare and education help the middle class and the whole nation. Henry Ford was right to raise wages so his workers could afford his Model Ts and become customers. The rich republicans from wall street and board rooms have been lying to you all these years. The average family gets a $300 tax rebate every couple of years while gas prices and all prices go up tremendously and government watches as a storm destroys the 35th biggest city in the US. Government should work for you, it should be funded based on who has an ability to pay.

You don't fight terrorism with armies. They don't hate us for our freedom. They hate us for our greedy interventionist policies. We lie about the reasons to invade countries and spend as much as the rest of the world combined on weapons. We the last super-power are a bully. Iraq was a mistake. We won when Saddam fell and now we've occupied a nation for longer than World War II. Iraq is ready to run itself, with the same level of aid we give other nations, and we should leave. We should get bin Laden already, using all means available to us. By holding prisoners indefinitely and torturing them, we make our own country less safe. Foreign policy is not just our wars, its working with allies and enemies to resolve conflicts peacefully, raise the economic conditions of all people, and to fight oppression where possible.

You can make the middle east less important by using less oil, you can also save the economy and the planet by doing so. Global warming is real, man made and we as a species have to stop polluting the atmosphere with greenhouse gases. Drilling more oil is the opposite of this and we don't have nearly enough to support our current consumption. Anyone saying so is lying or naive. We need to embark on a decade long mission to find alternative fuels. We need to stop wasting money on weapons we don't want to use or shouldn't use and fund research and encourage job creation and fund an infrastructure buildup. This is a new deal for the 21st century.


DKB said...

Did you copy the Obama campaign on this? You outlined a pretty good speech... I think a lot of undecideds would find it appealing, lots of Democrats would like to hear it said, and Sean Hannity & Bill O'Reilly would probably have strokes.

Howard said...

I started writing it :)

And then I went out and got The Limits of Power, it's already impressive. Every paragraph is blunt and true.

Howard said...

Ok, I sent this to the Obama campaign, I doubt it will have an effect.

Anonymous said...

I think you are totally off mark with this speech. Average "undecided" American will conclude that the speech is (1) anti-american, (2) too smart, (3) the author is in bed with french... :)

Obama is smart, he sounded dumber the usual in the first debate... therefore he stands a chance.

Howard said...

Sigh, you may be right. Then again, the undecideds maybe smarter than you give them credit for. Then again, I was wondering last night listening to NPR how it was that anyone could be undecided in this election.

Anonymous said...

The thing about undecideds is, irrespective of my attitude or prejudices towards them, is that that is what they truly are: undecided. I.e. they are as predictable as donkeys. Over and over again I would listen to some speech and see obvious conclusions. mis-statements or lies that one can easily detect, etc... then think, yeah, my guy is going to won now... Then I listen to undecideds and think: "how the hell is it even possible to arrive at that sort of conclusion?!"... So, they are truly unpredictable. BUT. I do not notice that the dumber and simpler and less "anti-American" (in bizarre sense of the word) the candidate sounds the more points he scores with them.... So, your speech is not going to fly. I liked it a lot, personally, though.