Friday, October 31, 2008

Heath Ledger?

Given the name of this blog I get a lot of hits for people looking for some celebrities favorite something. Of the last 500 hits to this blog, 228 came from people searching googling for something. A good one today was "darth vader's favorite food". Seems like an odd thing to search for but if you do, google that, this blog gets the number one hit! For the record, 5 visitors were looking for John McCain's favorite color and 3 were looking for Barack Obama's.

What really surprises me is that 24 of those 228 searches were looking for something about Heath Ledger; his favorite food, color, things to do, sport, etc. Why is Ledger still so popular?


Missy said...

I'm not surprised at all. He's on his way to icon status.

Anonymous said...

The answer may be found, at least partly, in the question; why is James Dean so popular?

Anonymous said...

partly because he did such a good job as the joker in The Dark Knight, which got so popular, and partly because there has been a lot of controversy about his death, will, what his daughter matilda will get and such.

Anonymous said...

Because he is a legend!