Saturday, August 02, 2008

Large Hadron Collider Nearly Ready has some amazing photos of the Large Hadron Collider


The Dad said...

Holy Frijoles batman. Some of the comments below the pics are priceless. Good to see I'm not the only one who doesn't understand a lick of what this doohickey is for. But the next time someone whines that, I dunno, building a shed in their backyard is too hard or "beyond my skill level" you can point them to this. At least, you can until it blows up the universe. After which we won't need a shed.

Megs said...

soooo awesome! Have been reading about this for years now - cannot wait for the first collisions this year. said...

I've Got Einstein on my Mind
by Jim Purdy

Listen to me one and all, Oh dear,
For bad news I bring, The End is Near.

In the UK, the Daily Mail tried to clue us in,
That those mad scientists are going to do us in.

Yes indeed, they have published a news article
Warning us of a runaway sub-atomic particle.

The Large Hadron Collider is to blame,
And our universe will soon end in flame.

Oh man, the fireworks will be spectacular,
It'll be so big, I won't need my binocular.

As the end nears, some may grieve and mourn,
But I'll enjoy the show, just eating my popcorn.

Someday I'll entertain grandkids with the story I'll tell,
Oh. Wait. I guess I won't have any grandkids, oh well.

In college, we laughed at those physics dorks,
Always talking about their tachyons and quarks.

Yes, soon the world will be gone, we'll be no more,
Thanks to guys named Fermi, Heisenberg and Bohr.

So, as I await the end of all mankind,
I've got Albert Einstein on my mind.