Monday, August 11, 2008

Olympics So Far

I watched a fair amount of the games this weekend. The opening ceremonies were amazing. We were in awe at the giant LCD carpet, the synchronized drums and boxes and running the torch around the top of the stadium. Great stuff.

For the games, I've enjoyed the swimming. Both of Michael Phelps races have been amazing. I appreciate that NBC has been showing the competitions and hasn't been doing too many human interest stories on the athletes. I did see a short one on Phelps, all he does is eat, sleep and swim (about 5 hours a day). He tries to eat 8-10,000 calories a day and "can't" get over 200 lbs.

The mens gymnastics qualifiers were impressive too. I think most olympians are mutants of some type or in the case of female gymnasts, prepubescent. But the male gymnasts have the most idealized physiques of all the athletes. Watching the strength moves they do just blows my mind and this year (I guess as always) they're doing moves that just seem impossible.

I'm always impressed with high platform diving. Stand 3 stories high, jump off, twist and turn insanely and when you hit the water, you better not splash. It's crazy. And yet synchronized diving seems even crazier to me. I just don't get it.

Beach volleyball and badminton are sports where I just don't understand how the players manage to cover the entire court. it's very impressive. And Keri Walsh's shoulder patch is pretty crazy too.

I saw some rowing and it's fun, though the thing that most impressed me was that the man-made lake had a finish line in the water. It was made by underwater spigots that made a white water line across the lake. Pretty clever.

I saw the female saber fencing and think that sport needs to be fixed. It should be about (simulated) stabbing your opponent without getting stabbed yourself. Instead it's about stabbing your opponent a microsecond before they stab you. They lunge at each other, hear a beep and both athletes turn to see who scored first.

1 comment:

Richard said...

I agree the opening ceremonies were fascinating and well worth watching. It's amazing what you can do with 15,000 people, $35,000 worth of fireworks and $300 million. I want the LED screen on the floor, the LED suits and the LED drums.

I watched some of the fencing and it was very strange to see them both jab, both pump their fists like they won and then turn to see whop got the hit. There wasn't much un-fistpumping when the one who didn't get the touch realizes it.

You must watch the women's weightlifing. Those cute little girls can lift us.