Saturday, August 23, 2008


How is it that diving is still on? I know there's only one 10m platform and participants go one at a time, but I think there's been diving for 2 weeks.

Race walking looks dumb even in TiVo's triple fast forward. USA showed the entire 4 hours of the 50km walk. I think there should be 50km skipping too. Or maybe a 50km triple jump.

Javelin referees have as crappy a job as those guys on the death star who stand next to the superlaser beam.

I had completely forgotten about team handball.

I like how during volleyball timeouts five guys with what look like giant swiffers come out and clean the court.

The Jamaican runners are amazing.


The Dad said...

Boy, its a good thing you do movie reviews, because Bob Costa you ain't ;-)

Mens Volleyball is amazing. Take a 9-foot-tall guy spiking the bejeebers out of the ball, sending it 100 mph to the other side of the net, and in less time than it takes for Michael Phelps to beat another guy in swimming another guy returns it. With his face.

Howard said...

I think I did ok for 1am.

The Dad said...

I was about to leave a lengthy comment, but decided to make it a blog post instead...