Tuesday, June 03, 2008

Kitchen Progress

This is the work that was done. Basically all the white pipes you see are new.

And this is what it looks like tonight.

The lower cabinets are all in and I could put all that stuff back. I had to take some stuff out from under the sink (under the window on the left) and the lower cabinet to the left of the sink to enable removing the countertop. Hopefully some coats of paint go in tomorrow and the top upper cabinets can go back soon. By the way, these are the pipes that were removed:

Notice the long crack in the top one. And this is the buildup:


Richard said...

Looking in drain pipes always makes me a little queasy. Because I can't stop thinking of where the stuff came from. You and your neighbors generated that gunk!

(captcha was Mzoth, wasn't that a Godzilla villain?)

Howard said...

and from the kitchen no less!

The Dad said...

Ah, THERE'S the Saarlac!

Howard said...

I'm glad you posted that. I was going to say it myself, but I was too busy to look up the word.