Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Dark Knight Director Shuns Digital Effects for the Real Thing

Wired has a good story Dark Knight Director Shuns Digital Effects for the Real Thing. "The studio should take heart. Nolan has a cogent Theory of Applied Batmatics: Insist on reality — no effects, no tricks — up to the point where insisting on reality becomes unrealistic. Then, in postproduction, make what is necessarily unreal as real as possible. "Anything you notice as technology reminds you that you're in a movie theater," Nolan explains. "Even if you're trying to portray something fantastical and otherworldly, it's always about trying to achieve invisible manipulation." Especially, he adds, with Batman, "the most real of all the superheroes, who has no superpowers.""

I can't wait to see The Dark Knight in IMAX.


Richard said...

What, no fridge nuking?

Aren't you going to be sad that this was Heath Ledger's last movie? I think he had such promise for the future and already had an impressive set of work behind him.

Howard said...

I certainly hope not.

I'm looking forward to Ledger's Joker because from the previews it looks amazing. I think he was talented and am sorry for his senseless death, but I can't say I've been a big fan of any of his films.