"My boyfriend and I wanted tattoos that looked good on their own but had significance when they were joined... I saw a picture of a cell during meiosis, and bingo!". Hopefully they don't drift apart.
I liked the electrocardiograms but think they should be on his chest and not his arms. There were constellations and a lot of physics and math formulas. One had the Y combinator on his arm and another the periodic table, but I think I liked this Einstein v. Newton:
There were lots of chemical structures. A student with celiac disease has the gluten protein that she cannot digest on her leg; a food scientist had capsaicin on her hip; another had her favorite neurotransmitter, serotonin; and a weight lifter had testosterone on his arm. But this biochemist really earned the right to her tattoo. ""Here is a picture of my science tattoo, which is a stylized structure of glycolipid A, the preformed glycolipid membrane anchor precursor I discovered as a graduate student some 20 years ago."

No I have no plans to get one myself.
Interesting choices. I think I'll stick to the Tribal Cat though.
I have the central dogma on my thigh. Crystal sstructures of DNA, RNA and a protein with arrows in between, got lots of compliments from biology dorks, and everyone else is just like, whatever. Also have ethanol on the bottom of my foot and the medical symbol (snake and staff) on my chest. Thinking about getting capsaicin somewhere cause of all its great health benefits - check them out at capsicum-capsaicin.com. I guess I'm a nerd...
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