It comes with a plastic wheel that the Wiimote fits into. It seems to work pretty well. You can buy extra ones for $20 but it's just a non-functional piece of molded plastic. You can play with just the Wiimote or with other controllers.
It's pretty fun, even though I apparently suck at it. I've been play grand prix circuits which is 4 races on different tracks (there are multiple circuits each with 4 unique tracks). You earn points for where you finish in each race against 11 (in my case computerized) opponents. I've ended up first or second overall most times but you also get a ranking. I was mostly getting a D. I wasn't too upset with that for just having started but then I found out it's no just A-F ratings, above A are 1-5 stars. So I'm basically getting a 2 out of 10. I have to get much better at getting speed boost by doing tricks and using my powerups appropriately. IGN's guide was really helpful in explaining what I'm supposed to be doing. I did score an A once. And of course YouTube has tons of movies of people setting records on tracks. This clip shows shortcuts on a variety of tracks.
I bought it at Best Buy. I found from their web site that the local store had it in stock and went over and picked it up. While paying, the cashier told me that Best Buy offers a 1 year replacement warranty for $5 "in case the disk gets scratched or the wheel stops working". I said, I don't think the piece of plastic is going to stop working, thanks anyway.
Okay the warranty on the wheel is pretty funny, but having witnessed my children "carefully' put away disks, I'd probably spring for that warranty.
Based on this review I'm still undecided how soon I'll rush out and get this. Again, I'm thinking in terms of games for a 7 year old kid, not necessarily a 38 year old kid. On second thought...
Two thumbs up from starch.
I am also a "D" driver, but tried some online and do reasonably well against other Wii's. I would suggest unlocking everything yourself first, as learning against other humans is rough.
I am puzzled: did I buy a licence to the IP on the disk or just the plastic disk. If I bought the IP I should be able to mail in a scratched disk and get a replacement for the 25c it costs to print a new disk. If I bought the disk I should be able to duplicate the IP.
I didn't read the license either :) If you google for backup wii disk you'll find some hints on how to do it, but it's non-trivial. You need a drive made to do this.
Ok, now we need to figure out how to share friend codes.
Howard I'll look into sharing freind codes this weekend. Weekdays are a blur these days.
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