Thursday, September 28, 2006

Some Senators Speak

Some Senators Speak. I've been watching CSPAN. Kennedy just gave a good loud angry impassioned rant. Hillary is giving a rambling speech, "I fear it will cost our nation dearly" but it sounds like she's just up there talking because that's her role.

I don't know why there isn't a filibuster. The Daily Kos makes a good argument to at least delay the bill a few days. "Seems like it's worth a day or two of thought, especially given that the supposed McCain 'torture compromises' and the impact of a whole host of other 'compromises' on this rather ramshackle bit of hurried-up legislation are still not quite clear. Unless, of course, we're talking about authorizing the torture of human beings merely because certain Senators believe it will provide them a good talking point in their election battles, and haven't really thought through the rest of it too much."

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