Wednesday, September 20, 2006

Pope v Islam v Jon Stewart

I have to agree with Kevin Drum on this Pope uproar.

The Pope's speech aside from being boring, didn't need to mention Islam or violence at all. The point of his speech was that science is good and theology is good too, they both do different things and both should be studied.

The excuse that the Pope didn't say Islam is violent, he only quoted someone that said this is moronic.

The violence that errupted perhaps proves the point.

Jon Stewart nailed all this. "Mea kinda", gotta love it.

1 comment:

The Dad said...

"We regret the fact that so many non-believers happen to be flammable."


I especially loved how protestors on one country were cheering, "death to america!"

Yes, the irony.

hey, side note. Anyone else think that those folks leading the bloodless coup in Thailand may be on to something? Heh? Heh? Who's with me??