Thursday, September 14, 2006

The Economist is Funny

Someone has finally topped George Carlin's bit on the airline safety speech and of all people, it was the Economist. In Welcome aboard they say "In-flight announcements are not entirely truthful. What might an honest one sound like?" Read it an laugh out loud.

I still laugh every time I hear the safety speech. I remember a car ride with a few friends where someone was quoting Rita Rudner "Do you think the oxygen masks do anything or are they just there to muffle the screams" and I followed with "Please muffle your own screams before muffling those of your child". We all broke out in hysterics (ok, maybe you had to be there) and I still remember it every time I fly.


The Dad said...

Was that the same ride that "proceed gaily forward" was coined?

Howard said...

Nope entirely different. This was driving back from a family dinner in Pittsburgh.

The other came from a drive in Princeton. Jeff's gay step-step-brother was driving and the navigator said "go straight" and the driver said "in this car we do not go straight, we proceed gaily forward"

The Dad said...

...Well, I might have brought my arrowhead collection. I didn’t, so I’m not going to look for it!"

It occurred to me that during the "water landing" in LOST, not one of the survivors floated ashore with their arms wrapped around their seat bottom cushions. I guess none of THEM were paying attention to the speech.

Speaking of water landings, When I had my Jeep Wrangler I stole one of those stickers that said "use seat bottom cushion for floatation" and stuck it under the rearview mirror of the Jeep. Many people climbed into the car and thought that it was for real.