Wednesday, September 28, 2011

New Kindles

The tech news of the day is the new Kindle models. Ars has two good articles, Amazon creates first viable non-iPad tablet by not copying the iPad and Hands-on with Amazon's new Kindles.

I'm not trading in my iPad anytime soon and I agree with the first article I think these are going to find a new market rather than kill an iPad. If I didn't have an iPad I'd be interested in the Fire though I'm not sure about the 7" screen for movies or games. I'm now interested in the Touch. At $99 and with an eInk screen, it seems like a digital book to bring to the beach. It will also fit in a few coat pockets that an iPad won't. So I might take it on a train or someplace to read more comfortably than on an iPhone. If I were traveling with a laptop and iPhone I might take one of these along the way I would take a paperback. If I were already traveling with an iPad I wouldn't. The fact that there's an iOS Kindle app that syncs your location in digital books is what makes it viable for me (as someone with Apple products) also Instapaper support.

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