Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Miss USA 2011 - Should Evolution Be Taught In Schools

Here are all the contestants answering the question.

This whole notion that kids should be allowed to choose is ridiculous and not at all the point. We don't let kids choose if they should learn arithmetic. Evolution should be taught in science classes and any other beliefs can be taught in your own religious education and then your kids can choose. To those that think religion should be taught in school, I remind them that public schools are funded by the state and there's a separation of church and state here.

Miss Vermont nailed it.


Karl said...

Wow, my only thought is there must have been some anti-evolutionist(s) on the judging panel and they were pandering. A few of them got it. A little more context to the clips may have helped too. Clearly what is appropriate for high school or college level subjects may not be for younger children. Which is not to say I disagree with you. Teaching science (e.g. evolution) should be right in there with reading and arithmetic. Teaching beliefs would fall under a social studies umbrella and requires enough metal maturity to distinguish fact from opinion. But being exposed to different belief systems is essential in building tolerance and should be part of standard education. The whole notion of separation of church and state is often taken too far. While the schools should not proselytize, acknowledging that beliefs exist and exploring their cultural significance even to the point of contrasting them seems perfectly reasonable. I guess it is too easy for bias to creep in and skew the line.

Howard said...

I agree. I did read some of the Bible in 9th grade English. We read it as significant literature though and not religion (let alone history). We also learned Greek mythology and Norse, Hindu and Chinese mythology. It's hard to appreciate a lot of literature if you don't know the allusions they were referencing. I found that difficult with The Old Man in the Sea not knowing all the Christ references.

But that seems far different from being taught religion in the schools. I don't think the people who want creationism taught in the schools want it presented in the context of a survey of creation myths. And while there is some value in that, it should not be presented in science class as an alternative to evolution or the big bang theory.