Tuesday, February 09, 2010

Palin's Crib Sheet

Palin Keeps a Crib Sheet on Her Palm is writing on your hand the new teleprompter? Or is it just what the cool kids do. Sigh.


Anonymous said...

What? You never cheated in High School. No need to answer that, it was a rhetorical question.

I find no difference between use of the teleprompter and use of the palm notes, except for one thing....

everyone in the audience can usually see a teleprompter.

Howard said...

I had two issues with it. 1. It's juvenile. 2. The notes she wrote were idiotic. Honestly, if she can't remember tax cuts in her head, she had no business on the GOP ticket. I mean seriously, she actually wrote on her had "budget cuts" and then had to cross it out (on her hand!) to write "tax cuts". Moron.

Anonymous said...

She may be a moron, but she is perhaps the most dangerous moron out there.

Like I said several months ago, she's not going away anytime soon, and many pundits (and some polls)consider her to be the current frontrunner for the GOP prez nomination for 2012/2016.

The GOP will absorb the Tea Party, just like it absorbed the remnants of Gov. Wallace's followers. I think Palin will be right in the middle of it somehow.

Can you say....... Chauncey Gardner.

Actually, for me, GW Bush is Chauncey Gardiner. Like Gardiner, he knew little, and was the pick of the Party insiders. Ultimately Bush, like Gardiner, became President simply because of the house he was born in.

Anonymous said...

And Gibbs just handed (no pun intended) another "elitist" video/sound bite for the repubs to use. Why would you want to directly acknowledge and take on Sarah Palin in that manner? It only diminishes Obama, the office of the President, and thinking people everywhere.

Talk about trying to be the cool kid. The White House staff has no clue.

Howard said...

I have no problem with Gibbs on this. I'd rather they not ignore her.