Monday, March 10, 2008

How Good Are Experienced Presidents?

Does experience matter for making a good president? "David A. Levine of New York has collected the data and done some analysis of it." How Good Are Experienced Presidents?. It turns out, there isn't much correlation.



Anonymous said...

I have a problem with any article that uses data that says W is the 22nd best president we have had. Clinton is 21.

Howard said...

I did too, but as the article points out, there were only two rankings with W and one was by the Wall Street Journal. They didn't plot anyone after Reagan as not enough to evaluate them.

Anonymous said...

I would also say that it is difficult to say what constitutes experience. Each states governor has different responsibilities. Even being in the Senate for the same amount of time doesn't mean you have the same amount of experience. If you do a historical look I think its impossible to to derive anything, because every person is different and every environment for each person is different.