Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Clinton Misstatement

The New York Times reports Clinton Seeks to Soften Impact of Misstatement. All I want to know is if she ever left a plane ducking because of sniper fire. If so, then perhaps she "misspoke". If not, she's either delusional or lying. Making that up doesn't count as exaggerating.


Anonymous said...

I usually don't agree with you on your views on Hillary, but in this case I couldn't agree with you more.

Howard said...

I like Hillary more than it probably comes across. I should say I like her policies. I've come to like Obama's, I don't know, leadership more. It's these kinds of things with Hillary that make me think she's more like Bush in regard to a desire to manipulate her public persona so that she can govern as she wants. Obviously she'd govern better than Bush. I think Obama would govern just as well as her (and I know that's debatable) but I think it would be good to get out of this "ends justifies the means" mentality.

The Dad said...

I agree 100%. Hillary isn't so bad, and frankly I wouldn't be surprised if the flak she's getting over the "sniper fire in Bosnia" trip is just a matter of her confusing that trip with another one and has been blown out of proportion by the media. But considering McCain can't remember if it was Al Queda, extremists, or Greenpeace that Iran was funding, she's got a long way to go before she starts to look senile. But overall I see Obama as most likely to be able to galvanize DC politians, sit back and say, "hey guys...what the f*ck are we doing here.".

He's the first guy to "promote change" that I actually foresee changing things.