Monday, July 23, 2007

Movie Review: Interview

Interview is a remake of a dutch film by director Theo Van Gogh who was killed a few years ago. I haven't seen the original so I have no idea how this one compares. Steve Buscemi directs and stars as Pierre Peders a political journalist stuck doing a celebrity interview with B actress and tabloid fodder Katya played by Sienna Miller. He's woefully unprepared and she's over an hour late. The interview goes badly and then due to an accident they end up in her loft. The film is basically an 83 minute long conversation.

The two argue, fight, make out, lie to each other, confess, etc. I found the various connections between these parts to be unconvincing. I think he's walking out the door one minute and then he's not. These characters seem less like people and more like acting exercises. And as far as the acting goes, both Buscemi and Miller are very convincing even as they make abrupt emotional changes. Here's a slight spoiler but at one point I knew Katya was acting; that's a dig on Katya and praise for Sienna Miller. It was entertaining and I might even say interesting but the ending makes it pretty inconsequential.

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