Thursday, July 26, 2007

Gitmo Lawyers

This months GQ has an interesting looking article The Defense Will Not Rest. "Two U.S. military officers are jeopardizing their careers to protect the legal rights of those held at Guantánamo Bay. The way they see it, justice should be blind—for everyone" I ended up getting a subscription when another magazine I subscribed to folded. I''m surprised but I'm really liking many of the articles in GQ.

A week ago the Senate Rejected Moving Gitmo Detainees to U.S. Soil in a 94-3 vote. Notice how Mitch McConnell (R-KY) words things. Detainees "including senior members of Al Qaeda", should not be released to American society" or moved to "facilities in American communities and neighborhoods." As if they would be in the local school. Oh and remember the detainees are not all al Qaeda in fact only a small percentage are and hundrds of them have already been released because they were innocent. These people were not all captured on battlefields and have not had trials. I don't favor putting them in "communities", I favor putting them in prisons and applying the rule of law, not leaving them in limbo.

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