Tuesday, May 09, 2006

Brian Williams Quotes Daily Show

Last night, Jon Stewart had a good clip on the Porter Goss resignation as CIA chief. I did particularly like bit about CIA being known for it's "secrecy and accountability". But the most fun was when he pointed out that Bush described the new CIA chief Gen. Michael Hayden as "He’s the right man to lead the CIA at this critical moment in our nation’s history" and then showed a clip of Bush saying the exact same line when he appointed Porter Goss two years ago.

Tonight Brian Williams on the NBC evening news reported about this repetition. At first I thought, hey he got this from the Daily Show. Then I thought, well the Daily Show must have gotten it from someplace else. Though I didn't see anything about it today on the net. Then much to my surprise, Brian Williams says that they weren't the first to notice this, they got this from the crack staff at Comedy Central on the Daily Show.

Life imitates art? The Daily Show as real news? Bush speech writers plagiarizing themselves? Or just too lazy to write something new? News covering something stupid rather than Hayden's actual qualifications. There's just too much wrong with this.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I had a hell of a time explining to my German collegues that fake news is actually more newsworthy as the real mainstream channel news... Already mesmerized by the O'Reilly Factor the least thing they expected is a pointer to some "fake news" show... "Oh, great... how much more insance can it get?" would pretty much summarize the facial expressions :)