Monday, August 31, 2009

The Coming War Over Climate

Kevin Drum writes about The Coming War Over Climate. Extrapolating over what the right is doing to healthcare, they'll do the same thing over climate change.

"At $10 per month nearly 60% favor cap-and-trade. At $25 per month, 60% oppose it. Now, do you think the same people who were responsible for all those townhall shoutfests this month will have any trouble convincing people that $25 is the right number? Or $100? I didn't think so."

I hope Obama has learned something. There are those idiots who won't understand anything and they'll be the loudest and they just shouldn't be listened to. I want him to address the nation and explain that the world is at risk and we have to do something about it. Yeah, energy taxes will go up, but not because the government wants more of your money, they don't. They want you to use less energy, which is what will save the world.

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