Friday, June 13, 2014

Cantor's Campaign Spending

OpenSecrets looked at Cantor's campaign spending reports and Vox, like a lot of news outlets, reports that Cantor's campaign bought a lot of steak. They listed 17 payments, totaling $168,000 on steakhouses. I can at least speculate that they threw 17 expensive parties for donors or workers. Just like the 233 payments totaling $103,174 to Delta Airlines could be for lots of plane tickets to people around the state (and I'm guessing the 23 payments totaling $97,413 to Air Charter Team were for more flights).

But the report also lists 21 payments to US Dept of Treasury totaling $254,535. What is that for? Did they buy short term Treasury notes to hold their cash? Does that count as campaign spending?


karl said...

Do congressmen get protective services? Perhaps it was surcharges for extra protection? Or federal taxes - there is also a separate line for state taxes.

Howard said...

Not all Congressmen do, but the Majority leader does. But the Secret Service was moved from Treasury to Homeland Security, so that's probably not it.