Thursday, July 19, 2012

Explaining AT&T and Verizons’ complex shared-data plans

AT&T announced new data plans for phones, tablets and computers. It all seems rather complicated and this is the best description I've seen Explaining AT&T and Verizons’ complex shared-data plans.

I got my iPhone from AT&T and got grandfathered into an unlimited data plan. I doubt I use 0.5GB a month. I have something like 450 minutes of talk (which I barely use in part because I don't really get coverage in my home) and 200 text messages (for which I pay $5/month). For this I pay about $81 a month (and it varies by pennies a month for no reason I can discern). I have an iPad with 3GB capabilities also from AT&T and occasionally I'll get 250MB of service for a month for $15. But really I'm mostly using these at home when I have wifi.

As near as I can tell with AT&T's new plan I get 1GB/month shared across the two devices for $95 a month. I don't think I'm bothering.

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