Tuesday, July 24, 2012

196 People Gave 80% Of Super PAC Funding...in 2011

Professor Lawrence Lessig will be testifying to the Senate Judiciary Committee against the Citizens United decision. His testimony is here.

He states one of the statistics I've seen a few times and that scares me about our political fundraising. "In the current presidential election cycle, .000063% of America — that’s 196 citizens — have funded 80% of Super PAC spending." He also gives a citation for that stat, it comes from here, Auctioning Democracy: The Rise of Super PACs and the 2012 ElectionNewImage

What wasn't clear to me before, is this for 2011 Super PAC contributions. And it's also only about the 65% of
contributions that came from individuals (not corporations). The report goes on to say that if you include all large donor funding then it's 351 donors gave 84% of the money, that's still ridiculously skewed. Still I have to suspect that 2012 statistics will be different and will have to stop quoting the 196 number.

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