Friday, June 11, 2010

An Atomic Bomb will stop the Gulf Oil Leak, LOOK!

I remember early on there were suggestions from Russia to use a nuke to stop the oil spill which sounded a little bizarre but what did I know about oil spills. Here's an instructive video for which I'll let you use your own judgement (via jwz).

I guess they'd still need to drill another hole near the well. And I wonder if we'd get a tsunami in the Gulf of Mexico from a (small) nuke 50 miles off the coast of Louisiana.

1 comment:

The Dad said...

Seems like a reasonably cromulent solution for a land-based problem. But yeah, I'm thinking Tsunami as a result. Of course, given the gulf beaches are already nerfed up by the oil, it's not like a tsunami would destroy anything not already destroyed.