Friday, January 09, 2009

Windows 7

I've never used or seen Vista, but this xkcd comic called Windows 7 (the next windows release after Vista, which is currently being tested), is very funny.

1 comment:

DKB said...

My XKCD addiction is your fault, you know.

Re: Windows7 itself, from what I've read they're sticking to their model of the last 15 years or so in which every 2nd version of the OS is pretty decent. While Win95 was tolerable (especially as compared to Win3x), it was Win98+service packs that was almost stable. After 98 came ME, which was a total, useless, wasteful joke but at the same time they'd cured NT of its most annoying traits and produced the actually decent Win2k in the business-oriented line... I ran Win2k until service pack 2 for XP came out. XP, for all its imperfections, is at least stable and reliable and useful... I have skipped Vista altogether (as has my employer), and since none of my computers are anywhere near the end of their useful lives, I think I'll soldier on with it until SP1 comes out for Windows7. I have used Vista on other computers, and I'm not a fan... too much effort is required to make it not-sucky.