Thursday, May 17, 2007

Edwards vs Giuliani

Edwards Camp Blisters Rudy For Saying He "Usually" Hears Dems Blame America For 9/11.

Edwards senior advisor said: “It's alarming that Rudy Giuliani continues to run a campaign that relies on the politics of fear. These are the same polarizing tactics that the president has used in his `Global War on Terror,' which has ended up leading to more terrorism than it has stopped. And it is the same kind of politics that has led to this disastrous war in Iraq, where America is now policing a civil war. Instead of more of the same failed policies, we need a smarter approach to fighting terrorists, that will also restore our moral leadership in the world."

TPM Cafe points out: "Such dustups, it should be noted, serve both sides in crude political terms. Rudy gets more attention for his efforts to hyper-politicize 9/11 in order to dupe GOP primary voters into overlooking his pro-choice and pro-gay-rights statements. And Edwards is out front in defending the Dems' honor, something that may hold equal appeal for the Dem base."

Works for me, I'm thrilled that some Democrat is calling this crap what it is.

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