Saturday, May 28, 2005

Stupidity in the Name of Security

Here is a story that shows how easy it is to scare people into doing things in the name of security. It basically says "The US Justice Department, Department of Homeland Security, and FBI outlined Thursday...allowing airline passengers to use cellphones during flights could help potential hijackers coordinate an attack or trigger a bomb smuggled on board." These people seem to have forgotten that cell phones were the single biggest reason 9/11 wasn't worse. Without them a fourth plane probably would have crashed into the White House. But because the device could potentially be used for evil, they should be banned. The problem is, anything could be used for nefarious purposes. A shirt could be used to strangle someone, should we ban them? We've learned trucks and fertalizer can be used to blow up buildings, should we ban them? Hands can be used to punch someone, should only people without hands be allowed to fly? While I don't look forward to being on a long plane ride with 300 people chatting away on their cell phones, this argument made by people who are supposed to be protecting us, is frightening.

1 comment:

The Dad said...

Talk about cutting off on'es nose to spite the face. Let's forget for one moment that this implies the government isn't so concerned about how the bombs get smuggled aboard in the first place, but rather how to keep from setting it off. (nah, nah, bring all the bombs aboard that you won't be able to set them off cuz you can't use the phone). Okay, how about the fact that, if you're gonna smuggle a bomb on board, are you really gonna follow the posted rule about not using your cell phone?