Saturday, May 07, 2005

I'll Never Live in Kansas

If you believe that Genesis literally describes how the Universe and life was created I have one question for you: Which came first animals or humans? Genesis chapters 1 and 2 describe two different creation stories. In Genesis 1:24-28 it's pretty clear, on day six God created all the animals (Genesis 1:24-25) and then man and woman at the same time (Genesis 1:26-27). And yet in Genesis 2:7 we read God formed man from dust and in Genesis 2:18 we read man was alone so in Genesis 2:19 the animals are created and brought to Adam to name them and in Genesis 2:21-22 woman is made from one of his ribs.

So which came first animals or man? And were man and woman created at the same time or was man created first? It amazes me that the people who ignore the huge body of evidence in support of evolution and bring up the small bits that are still unproven can ignore the contradictions in Genesis. The Intelligent Design "debate" going on in Kansas now, among other places, is a thinly veiled creationist argument. Many others have stated why this is nonsense and others continue to do so, but it still seems that many in this country (but oddly not in others) won't be convinced. I find this really depressing.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi Howard, You seem to frame the debate as Evolution vs. the book of Genesis. (And I can't blame you since that is what the press & the pseudo-intellectuals want you to think.) But that's not it at all. Intell Design has zero, zip, nothing to do with the Book of Genesis. The Bible is not used by ID scientists as any sort of proof or basis of the argument for ID. Rather, the basis for ID is an honest look at the evidence -- and the lack of evidence -- for evolution. Darwin stated that he expected future discoveries to plug up the holes in his theory, but the type of discoveries his theory required did not come. Even Stephen Jay Gould, prominent evolutionist, was driven to conclude that there is NOT evidence to support GRADUAL change over time as Darwin described it, which lead to Gould's 'punctuated equilibrium' theory. Real scientific inquiry begins by acknowledging that there are plenty of unanswered questions to evolution. Evolution must be studied WARTS AND ALL. That to me is the superiority of ID. ID scientists acknowledge the warts and postulate an answer: (Be it right or wrong) That an intelligent force had a role in the process. Extreme Evolutionists pretend the warts don't exist. Which sounds more intellectually honest to you?