Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Don't Let Them Get Away With It

digby writes They Do It Toooo "Has anyone ever heard someone shout the words 'terrorist' or 'traitor' about John McCain at an Obama really? McCain claims he has"

I'm just constantly amazed when I hear the Republicans talk. They've inverted the Rovian idea of go after their strengths. They now take their own weaknesses and attribute them to the Democrats, completely making stuff up. Been hinting (or saying) Obama is a terrorist? They've done it to us. Been running only negative ads in the campaign? They're negative too. Haven't got anything specific in your policies? Say your opponent has given no specifics and wonder who he really is.

I also think the media is abdicating their responsibility when they don't point out these lies for what they are and leave it to the Democrats to do it for them. The left vs the right talking heads are just useless at this point for obtaining information (even if the left is more truthful). Pointing out objective facts doesn't make you biased. Not pointing them out makes you useless.

1 comment:

Nancy said...

I haven't seen anything at a Democratic rally that comes near the hate speech I've heard from McCain/Palin supporters.