Saturday, September 13, 2014

Ashkenazi Jews Linked To Group Of Just 330 People From Middle Ages

Ashkenazi Jews Linked To Group Of Just 330 People From Middle Ages "A genetic analysis shows that all of the Ashkenazi Jews alive today — of which there are more than 10 million — can trace their roots to a group of just 330 people who lived 600 to 800 years ago."


Irina said...

I also read that there was a bottleneck for the Askenazi population during expulsions, pogroms and other niceties of their eventful lives. Seems that we've been interbreeding over and over again. I also read that tay sachs is like sickle cell anemia, which confers an immunity for malaria with an only one mutated gene.Tay sachs confers a superior IQ with an only one mutated gene. It's all fascinating in a weird way. Feels like a screwed up experiment and we are the result of it.

The Dad said...

Dang. Does this mean I have to take ScarJo off my list?