Friday, May 30, 2014

NEWSCASTER - An Iranian Threat Inside Social Media

iSight Partners reports on NEWSCASTER - An Iranian Threat Inside Social Media "iSIGHT Partners believes Iranian threat actors are using more than a dozen fake personas on social networking sites (Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Google+, YouTube, Blogger) in a coordinated, long-term cyber espionage campaign.  At least 2,000 people/targets are, or have been, caught in the snare and are connected to the false personas.

This campaign, working undetected since 2011, targets senior U.S. military and diplomatic personnel, congressional personnel, Washington D.C. area journalists, U.S. think tanks, defense contractors in the U.S. and Israel, as well as others who are vocal supporters of Israel to covertly obtain log-in credentials to the email systems of their victims. Additional victims in the U.K. as well as Saudi Arabia and Iraq were targeted."

Update: See also, How China’s army hacked America. They basically did the same thing, send messages to people designed to trick them into opening an infected attachment or leading to site to get them to enter a username/password. This is apparently how most Internet spying is done.

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