Sunday, August 14, 2011

The Other Russell Brand

I haven't loved Russell Brand's screen persona. He does his same drunk English celebrity guy in every role I've seen (Forgetting Sarah Marshall, Get Him to the Greek, and I skipped Arthur). He also plays that role in all the interview shows I've seen him on. However, I saw him interviewed in the documentary series Monty Python: Almost the Truth and thought he was very clever and insightful. I wish that Russell Brand would show up more.

Well that Russell Brand wrote an article in The Guardian UK riots: Big Brother isn't watching you "Dismissing rioters as mindless is futile rhetoric. However unacceptable the UK riots, we need to ask why they are happening" I thought the bulk of it was interesting, though it falls apart at the end where he says he has no solutions and we should all just get along.

"As you have by now surely noticed, I don't know enough about politics to ponder a solution and my hands are sticky with blood money from representing corporate interests through film, television and commercials, venerating, through my endorsements and celebrity, products and a lifestyle that contributes to the alienation of an increasingly dissatisfied underclass. But I know, as we all intuitively know, the solution is all around us and it isn't political, it is spiritual. Gandhi said: 'Be the change you want to see in the world.'"

Still if you want to see another side of Russell Brand, it's worth a read.

1 comment:

Richard said...

You've left out his voice performance as Dr. Nefario in Despicable Me. How do I know this? have a 2.5 year old and you will get to watch that movie 50 times. At leats he likes Wall-E also.