Saturday, February 10, 2007

MIni Movie Review: Jesus Camp

The adults in this film are nutcases and they systematically brainwashing children. This was scarier than An Inconvenient Truth. This can't be the mainstream religious right. I don't get standing in front of a room of children and saying warlocks are evil and if Harry Potter were in the bible God would surely strike him dead. Having kids smash coffee mugs that say government must be creating civil unrest or something. They had children too young to know what sex is, pledge to end abortion. A 9 year-old girl proselytizes in a bowling alley; this after praying to God to bless a bowling ball and throwing a gutter ball. Why doesn't God listen to the prayers of this girl?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

i appreciate that the makers of Jesus Camp let the interviewees do all the talking, but they were obviously selective about what they let into the final movie release; over all, there is some useful truth in this flick... as long as it's taken with a grain (or maybe a bucket) of salt