Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Hillary's Iraq Problem

I have to agree with the Daily Kos on Hillary's Iraq problem. She won't admit her vote was a mistake and she gets asked about it every day. Other Dem nominees have admitted to a mistake and they've moved on. Not doing so makes her look calculating and worse, since she's behaving like Bush in not admitting a mistake, like she's calculating wrong. Again.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

There was a great editorial about this in the NY times. It basically say she has nothing to apologize for, but needs to do a better job explaining her vote. If you look at her speech during the debate on the vote, you will she she clearly says she if voting to give the president the leverage to get inspectors in not to actually use force.
you will need a subscription to read this but here is the link.!Q5BQ23cPvnncQ23hOOxQ23OhQ23IyQ23nkg5gn5Q23IyQ5BvnnFPUmcZB

As far as tying it to 9/11 as a reason for her vote, that is somewhat legitimate because at the time she made the vote the administration had led us to believe that there was a tie.