Wednesday, September 28, 2005

Tom Delay, Indicted, Steps Down as Leader

Tom Delay (R-TX) was indicted on one charge of illegal campaign contributions from Sept 2002. As a result of the indictment, following House rules, Delay as stepped down as Majority Leader. Yay!

They alledge that Delay's PAC accepted $155,000 from several companies (including Sears), put the money in an account and then wrote a check for $190,000 to the RNC for House candidates. As the NY Times puts it: "State law prohibits use of corporate contributions to advocate the election or defeat of state candidates, and prosecutors accuse the DeLay organization of engaging in a complex scheme to circumvent the law."

Think Progress adds a quote from Karl Rove from April: "Tom DeLay is going to continue to be a strong and effective majority leader. ...We strongly support Tom DeLay. He's a good man, a close ally of this administration." And SFGate adds more

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