Thursday, January 12, 2012


I'm visiting some friends so this blog will be quiet until the middle of next week. There will probably still be tweets of articles in the feed to the right. Two parting thoughts:

I'm watching John McCain now on the CBS morning show explaining why the Republicans dislike the attacks Romney regarding Bain Capital. The argument is that these attacks are against what Republicans fundamentally believe in. While that's true he also fundamentally distorted the argument saying that Bain are the job creators and they try to rescue failing companies and sometimes it doesn't work and when it always works it's called communism (funny they didn't make this argument for Solyndra). I'm hoping that the Republican middle class sees through that garbage and starts to recognize that they're on the wrong side.

I realized, I grew up in New York, went to college in Pennsylvania and live in Massachusetts. I'm tired of people from places like Texas and Arizona telling me "what the founders intended".

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