Monday, March 02, 2009

Lazy Day

Today was a snow day for much of MA. I got about 6-8 of snow, less than expected. It was mostly down by morning and while we heard to expect 3-5 inches more during the day I just got a dusting. Still they came and plowed my driveway and packed down a nice 3/4 inch layer of snow that I'm sure is freezing right now. It probably won't melt till the weekend.

Still it was a day to stay in. I finally started rewatching The Wire yesterday and today watched 5 episodes. There's a lot I didn't remember and it's much easier the second time through following all the characters. And I'm amazed at how extensive the wikipedia articles on The Wire are.

I also made a batch of Oatmeal Chocolate Chip Cookies. I've been working on a recipe for a number of months and think I've got it perfected. I'll post it soon.

My nose is healing nicely though it is dragging out longer than I expected. It's still sensitive and hurts when I twitch it certain ways. I still can't blow normally and have to do so more frequently than normal. The roof of my mouth and front teeth are still a little numb but that's improving a little each day. My nose was really sensitive to the cold, but that's gotten much better. I'm sleeping better but not completely normally yet, though I think my problems are unrelated to my nose. My followup doctor's appointment is next week and I expect gradual improvement to continue for a while.

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