Wednesday, April 12, 2017

The Thor: Ragnarok Trailer Gives Us an Excuse to Do Physics

Wired has a cute article, The Thor: Ragnarok Trailer Gives Us an Excuse to Do Physics analyzing the physics of the Thor/Hulk punch in the new trailer. They embed some simulations using two things I'd hadn't heard of before. The embedding of code seems to happen via trinket and the code is using GlowScript IDE to do the physics animation.


Karl said...

Clearly they are looking at this the wrong way. Instead of saying the movie got the physics wrong, it should raise the question, how must I adjust my assumptions so that the observed results are consistent with physics. For instance, why is it obvious Hulk weighs more than Thor? He is bigger, but Thor has especially dense bones.

Howard said...

I've always heard Hulk has bird bones :)