Thursday, March 22, 2012

The Day In Etch-A-Sketch: How The Political Machine Overran Romney

TPM wrote The Day In Etch-A-Sketch: How The Political Machine Overran Romney citing almost a dozen examples and ending with:

"Add it up and you have a professional political blitz unlike any other. Will voters end up caring half as much as the staffers who dropped over four dozen press releases and e-mails about the Etch-A-Sketch quote into this reporter’s inbox on Wednesday? That’s yet to be seen. But at the very least, the large-scale effort virtually wiped out what was an otherwise friendly news cycle for Romney and replaced it with a headache-inducing frenzy around his gaffe instead."

Kind of amusing considering all the mentions TPM gave it. I get ten pages of hits searching for "Etch A Sketch" on TPM and I'm guessing that before this week I wouldn't have gotten any.

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