Thursday, December 18, 2008

Rachel Maddow on Bush’s Legacy Tour

I complain a lot that Jon Stewart seems to be the only one on TV that can show a politician talking and then pull up a video of that politician saying the opposite in the past. Well Jon Stewart is on vacation till next year (when I'm sure I'll see the video of a shoe being shown at Bush again) but thankfully Rachel Maddow has taken on the task. (If the embedded video doesn't show, try here.)


The Dad said...

Yeah, but she's no Jon Stewart.

I do have to wonder about her comment that Homeland Security has "no central office". Well, the Pentagon does, and terroists did a nice job hitting it with a plane.

I do have to wonder if in fact there were Jack Baueresque foilings of terrorist plots that DIDN'T make it to the media. I hope, for the sake of our government, that there was.

Howard said...

Well yeah, it's not funny.

And the Pentagon was rebuilt rather quickly and the World Trade Center is still a hole on the ground.

I think it was Ackermann who said, that if there were, don't you think the administration would have taken credit for it? And given their track record they do not deserve the benefit of the doubt.

See also this. "Reuel Marc Gerecht uses the biggest fallacy in all of the torture debate--the ticking time-bomb fallacy."