Tuesday, April 29, 2008


ars technica has A review of Evernote. I have an account but haven't really used it. If you have, let me know your experiences.


Anonymous said...

I used a much earlier version of Evernote on an early Tablet PC. At the time it was little more than a way to capture webclips.

I currently use MacJournal for journaling and note taking and am very happy with it.

The Dad said...

This actually looks very interesting. Given that my work computer is a PC, and my home computers are Macs, I need a web-based tool that is platform agnostic and can preferrably be viewed on my Blackberry. Currently I'm using Google Notebook. Not bad but a bit limiting and plagued by the ugly standard google apps skin. They really need to steal some Mac UI people.

Gonna check this out.

The Dad said...

I set up an evernote account today. Previously I'd been using Google Notebook, which is good, but unfortunately the interface is very "googly". I'm very turned off by their Apps interface, as it's just sloppy.

Using the Windows, Mac, and web-based client, I found that the Windows one was by far the weakest. The Mac (10.5only) interface, as one would expect, was clean, streamlined, and wonderful to use. The Windows interface seemed to be missing a few of the nuances.

As I mentioed in a previous comment I'm looking for a note app that isn't relegated to one computer, because I use two computers at work and two at home. Additionally I wanted to access my notes via Blackberry. Evernote delivers, and better than Google. Along with the Web, the fact that there's a client for the computer means I can access notes offline, more quickly, or when my browser is busy doing other things. The Blackberry view of the web client allows searching and allowsyou to create notes for specific notebooks, which is nice, although it was a tad slow.

Functionally, Evernote delivers. I can add notes easily, and they synchronize to the web painlessly. I'm going to keep using it.