Wednesday, December 03, 2008

The Incredible Convenience of Mathematica Image Processing

I've never used the high end math package Mathematica but I know it's impressive. This new blog post, The Incredible Convenience of Mathematica Image Processing has me wondering if they're going to be leading new developments in user interfaces or languages.


Anonymous said...

Real cool stuff!

Prior to starting up Powersoft, Dave L and I spent the summer of1988 researching what a GUI 4GL might be like (this later became Powerbuilder). I still have the Stephen Wolfram Mathematica v1 book that I read back then. Not too much of Mathematica made its way into PB (different target audience) but I remember being super impressed with it, 20 years ago.

Howard said...

In the early 90s I really liked tcl/tk as a GUI 4GL. It made it easy to write test scripts for a GUI that I haven't seen duplicated in other places.